Developed by Kurt Chan with ❤️
Feel free to leave some feedbacks!
By uploading your learning material (*.pdf), you acknowledge and agree that the content will be extracted, processed, and stored in our database. The extracted text will be split into chunks, vectorized, and saved in our Pinecone Vector Database for question generation purposes.
As this is a beta version still under development, users currently do not have the ability to manage, delete, or control the stored data from their uploaded learning materials. In the future, we plan to introduce features that will allow users to manage their uploaded content, including deletion options.
Since the question generation relies on AI processing and extracted content, we do not guarantee complete accuracy or relevance of the generated questions. Users are responsible for reviewing and verifying the output before use.
By using this service, you confirm that you have the necessary rights or permissions to upload the learning material. We are not responsible for any copyright or intellectual property violations resulting from the use of this tool.
We are continuously improving this service, and updates may include enhanced data management options, improved accuracy in question generation, and additional customization features.
By using this tool, you acknowledge and accept these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from uploading any learning materials.